
This blog will be dedicated to the beautiful passions of life: Food, Film, Football (Barça), Philosophy, Literature, Art and Humanity.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006


This incident occurred in the midst of the World Chess Championship;
A young girl on an exchange in the States, the family where she stayed with was well to be, travelled, even if they admitted - knew little of the island in the north of the Atlantic. After a few days, they asked her if her father was a fisherman, (not such a strange question bearing the percentage of the population having that occupation) the young girl was not shy and liked to express herself in English, answered: No, no, my dad prefers Spassky.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

jajaja, gracioso, gracioso, me gusto!!!
No t´identifico gaire, i algun cop em costa entendre´t però et felicito per l´interès de millorar el teu català.. que m´agradaria saber d´on ve...
My english is pretty poor, but I try to read all your english articles recommendations, keep on bringing foreign information to "our" blogs.
Besos, petons and kisses!!

5:02 PM  
Blogger Yrsa Roca Fannberg said...

Soc mig Islandesa, mig catalana, pero mai he viscut a Catalunya pot ser la sang no es massa latina, pero si vull millorar el Catalá, pero es bastant dificil com lo aprenc amb un llibre.
Es dificil entendre el catalá o el anglés?
I will keep sending you some foreign information.

12:29 AM  

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