
This blog will be dedicated to the beautiful passions of life: Food, Film, Football (Barça), Philosophy, Literature, Art and Humanity.

Monday, December 08, 2008

Last time

Last time Barcelona met Real Madrid I watched it, we all knew what would happen, but I decided to watch it and be in front of the television on time. On time to see one of the greatest humiliations in recent times (external humiliation, some would say fictitious humiliation). I wanted to watch el pasillo, when Barcelona were forced to clap their and my eternal enemy on to the pitch. To congratulate them on the title. The title we were never in the race for. Not only that hurt, but what came after was equally painful. I can´t remember the result, I can´t remember the game. I just know it was painful. In order to never ever forget. Almost like the most awful human causes and actions I decided to paint el pasillo. I never wanted to forget, I wanted that moment to be stamped in, rubbed in. It is something I simply do not want ever to live through. Again. (at least not for some time). Some moments have to be worked through, go through their psychoanalytical cycle to become something else.

I am not sure what will happen next week, worst case scenario 6 points ahead, best case scenario 12 points ahead. Real Madrid arrive wounded, hurt. It only remains to be seen if they have the strength to rise above or if they will sink further.

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Blogger Lenny said...

Fantástica reflexión en voz alta, Olga.

Reamente me has hecho revivirlo, y coincidimos en que es una experiéncia para ser vivida tan sólo una vez.

2:28 PM  
Blogger Yrsa Roca Fannberg said...

I agree. But some nasty experiences we have to go through, in order to progress as humans.

2:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yrsa, hemos linkado tu blog a GOL y colocado la acuarela del pasillo en nuestra home.
Un saludo

12:30 AM  
Blogger pep said...

4-1. The game was even more humiliating than the pasillo. A terrible end to an incredible era.

Maybe you should paint this pasillo one day (in order to never ever forget):

And maybe at the end of this season you'll have another pasillo to paint. Same stadium, same clubs, but the applauses going in the other direction. Before their own fans...

9:51 AM  
Blogger Yrsa Roca Fannberg said...

the picture is not really good enough.
not always but sometimes awful moments are productive for art.
Too be honest I am not that interested in the glorious moments of sport, but more the other ones, that are equally as important for the memory.

Gracias Gol por hacer un petit link/mencionado.

9:52 PM  
Blogger General Fórceps said...

Yrsa honey,

Great acuarela indeed.
That was not really painful for me. Unfortunately neither seemed to be for the players and a fairly amused Rijkaard.

Thankfully we turned the page.


7:34 AM  
Blogger pep said...

"I am not that interested in the glorious moments of sport, but more the other ones"

Then you must have had a great two last years... Seems like Guardiola will be bad for your (barça-linked) productivity though. One can't have it all.

11:22 AM  
Blogger Yrsa Roca Fannberg said...

I am sure I can find some fragile moments or moments that are not about glory in glorious times (even if it might be bad karma to talk about glorious times at this stage=

4:49 PM  
Blogger pep said...

It's already too late...

The bad karma is already out there! Blame yourself if we lose on Saturday!! And if that will appear to be the turning point of the season!!!

Ok, spreading some good karma: your paintings are for sale? It's too late for this year, but I might put it on my gift list for New Year 2010. Barça fans get a discount? For sure: don't sell that pasillo painting to a madridista...

7:00 PM  
Blogger Yrsa Roca Fannberg said...

No worries I wont sell el pasillo to a Madridista, in fact I want to keep it myself.
And yes, my paintings are for sale, the smaller size are 200 euros and the bigger one 250.
The bigger ones are about a4 size.
Careful - the prices might go up...
It is already a kind of discounted price.Sorry

7:47 PM  

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